Resumé + Contact

—  About me, resumé, and how to get in touch

—  About

Creating successful products — for people and the planet.

I have a passion for optimizing sustainable, useful, and innovative products. I studied and worked in multiple areas of environmental sustainability (from non-profit to corporate, small- to large-scale projects, etc.) to understand that helping our planet depends on improving current and new product introductions for users around the world. The key to a product’s success lay in an end-user’s seamless, understandable, and enjoyable interaction with a product — a simple user interface (UI) and an impactful user experience (UX). I believe in a process established on communication: gather the facts, conduct the research (both quantitative and qualitative), and collaborate and iterate continuously throughout the stages of development so that all stakeholders (internal, external, business, etc.) feel positive and excited about their contributions, and the final product.   

I strive to help make people more efficient, effective, and fulfilled in their everyday lives. From leading teams to running marathons, I seek experiences and activities that allow me to consistently improve my skills. I welcome opportunities where I can analyze the competition, summarize the findings, and present management with actionable directions to drive business. Thus far, my experiences have provided me with a skillset and passion for integrating business, user experience, and environmental sustainability to build successful products that bring a smile to the company and to the consumer. 


—  Contact